Hello and welcome to our website. Please take a moment to watch our intoductory message (below)
by charity founder Liz Blows.
Video Credit: Chris Blows
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SPS Map of the World
Welcome to the SPS Map of the World. If you're a sufferer, friend of someone with SPS, or care for someone with the condition, this is the place to be, the new global village bringing people together. Click the Map to see the World and join a VERY exclusive community!
World Map of SPS Specialists/Doctors/Neurologists
Click the PayPal Donate button to donate to the charity

Mission Statement
This site is solely for the support of those suffering from Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS). Family and friends of sufferers are also welcome to the same support. The site may also be of interest to caregivers, care professionals, researchers (together with advocates for the condition) and the general public.
The support group and charity was set up by Liz Blows in 1998 with the following aims:
(1) The relief of sickness and the protection and preservation of the health of persons affected by Stiff Person Syndrome, together with their families and carers.
(2) On-going education and awareness-raising within the medical profession and the general public of Stiff Person Syndrome.
(3) The promotion of research into the causes, effects, treatment and management of Stiff Person Syndrome.
"Stiff Man Syndrome" (SMS) was the name assigned to the condition when first identified in the 1950s by Moersch and Woltman in the USA. In recent years, the condition has become more widely known as "Stiff Person Syndrome" (SPS). SPS does not differentiate between sex, colour, or creed, although UK evidence tends to suggest women are most at risk.
SPS is an auto-immune neurological condition. It is unique due to its lack of significant similarity to any other neurological diseases. Although rare, once observed it is quite unforgettable.
Many neurologists and GPs are still unaware of the condition. In most cases, the first symptoms are insidious and victims are often initially misdiagnosed with anxiety or depression.
This website and the SPS Map of the World were created by Tony Barr, written and edited by David Blows.