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I think we all need some positivity here ... everything has changed for me the last weeks and months. 2006 was life changing for me when, all of a sudden at 22 years old, I wasn’t able to walk anymore. Three weeks later I was in a wheelchair and until December 2013 my life was about SPS, treatments, and being home bound completely. Then I started IVIG and that changed everything. Up until 2017, I recovered from all those years that I hadn’t been able to do anything alone. I met the love of my life in 2014, though, and he gave me strength. Five years ago, i would have never thought that I would be where I am today. George and I got married in March and the cherry on the top is that I finally graduated from college last year and I’m now taking the second part of my teaching degree. Here in Germany, the college graduation is only the scientific part of teaching which takes 6 years plus another 16 months for the second part. It’s very stressful as you gotta give 12 hours a week plus two seminars a week which

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means you teach 12 lessons in three days a week and that’s a lot even for someone healthy, plus the commute to the seminars. It really was unimaginable for me to do this but I got accepted and had my second week last week. The pictures i posted on our Facebook group are George and I at our wedding, and one picture is the breakfast my two new colleagues and i prepared for our colleagues last week in the staff room. Long story short: SPS is a horrible disease but it’s always worth fighting. I fought myself back into life and George and I got what we always wanted despite being sick. We both have bad days and flare ups which makes us appreciate the good days.


April, 2019

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UK Telephone: 01482 868881  

Stiff Man Syndrome UK and Ireland Support Group and Charity: Founded in 1998 by Liz Blows

Stiff Man Syndrome Support Group and Charity: Liz Blows (Chair), 75 Normandy Avenue, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8PF
Stiff Man Syndrome Support Group and Charity is not-for-profit
Charity Number: 1099206

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